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EQ Mentors

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Ruben Echavarria

Psychologist and Trainer

Online Consulting

DURATION 6o minutes

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“I will help you achieve your personal goals, improve your relationships, overcome your obstacles and enhance your personal and professional growth”



Ruben Echavarria He is a Clinical and Educational Psychologist from the University of San Buenaventura in Medellín since 2009.

He is a happily married man. Passionate about human development and social transformation. He has worked for more than 12 years in different public and private projects providing individual, family and group psychotherapeutic care. He has a certification in Organizational Coaching, he has been a psychopedagogical advisor for more than 3 years providing learning strategies and study methods to hundreds of students.

He was also director of social impact projects at Corporación Amor Inagotable for more than 4 years. He studied philosophy for 5 years, music for 7 years and today he is director of the 7A Global SAS Group, an organization with different lines of action around Safety and Health at Work, the Personal and Artistic Development of people and companies.


Professional in Psychology, Training in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Certification in Organizational Coaching, Psychopedagogical Advisor at the Metropolitan Technological Institute, Diploma in “Myths and Realities of the relationship between Psychology and Coaching”. 

Training in theoretical-practical tools for supporting consumers of psychoactive substances (SPA), Diploma “Live your human rights”, Social Co-Manager of the Secretariat of Social Inclusion, Human Rights and Family, Director of Psychosocial Projects of the Inexhaustible Love Corporation and the Network Growing Together.


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☕Enter for free this community of people passionate about growing, getting stronger and learning the strategies and tools of Psychology, Leadership Personal development and Personal Development to achieve and maintain a life of purpose. Welcome everyone!


☕Enter for free into this community of people passionate about growing, getting stronger and learning from others. Welcome everyone!




The advice will be scheduled on the date and time agreed upon by the reservations area who has direct contact between the user and the EQ Mentores professional. A user profile is created for each person with all the buttons and integrations to facilitate their connection. Each consultation will be carried out via video call. Resources such as a quiet and private space, webcam and headphones with a microphone are essential to have greater levels of security and fluidity during the consultation. Users will receive an email confirming the reservation. It is recommended to enter the online consultation room 5 minutes before your appointment. The professional makes an assessment and a prognosis from the first appointment. Normally there is a first phase of frequent accompaniment and then a more spaced follow-up phase to ensure that the capacity is installed, and whose duration will depend on the situation of each user.


☑️Admission and/or psychological care services, understood as a systematic set of procedures that use methods and techniques of psychological science to provide services in the different fields of psychology for the purposes of evaluation, guidance and/or intervention in individual and group processes. .

☑️In Colombia there is still no specific regulation for the exercise of Telepsychology, therefore, Law 1419 of 2010 related to Telehealth and Telemedicine applies to said field of action. Our actions are guided by the ethical framework of the APA (American Psychological Association) as the highest regulator of the exercise of psychological support, as well as the document “TELEPSYCHOLOGY, Suggestions for training and responsible professional performance” issued by the Colombian College of Psychologists (Colpsic) and the Colombian Association of Psychology Faculties (Ascofapsi).

☑️Support in human, academic and professional development.


The ethical code in psychology that governs us guarantees full confidentiality for the privacy and tranquility of each client. The dating software uses cryptography and secure connections. However, IT services cannot be considered completely hidden and secure as they are vulnerable to digital threats. It is not recommended to use public computers and do not send sensitive data via chat. It is also recommended to protect your computer with an antivirus program and a firewall.


Rubén Darío Echavarría Rojas. Envigado – Antioquia
Clinical and educational psychologist from the University of San Buenaventura with certification in Organizational Coaching.

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