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EQ Mentors

"Live better"

Resources for People Like You

Fill out the FORM that you will find below

1. Downloadable Resources

Thoughtful videos, inspiring articles, tips and techniques to Manage your Emotions and Improve your Relationships.

2. Asynchronous Course “7 Principles to Live Better”

Do it whenever you want and can. Includes Motivational and Focus Videos, Articles, Wallpapers and Complementary Podcasts.

3. Access to the “Living Better” Support Group

Telegram group where you can ask questions to professionals who will provide you with Guidance and Tools. You will also be able to interact with people who have gone through similar experiences to Overcome your Challenges.

4. 30% Discount Bonus

In your first Online Assessment Session.

5. 10% Discount Bonus

In upcoming Online Courses.

6. Invitations to online Psychology, Coaching and Mentoring sessions

Live where you will have the opportunity to interact with experts in Mental Health and Personal Development. These sessions will provide you with Personalized Guidance and Practical Tools to Overcome your current situation.

Once you complete this form, we will send you a confirmation email to start receiving the resources in your email.

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