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EQ Mentors

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"Cerrando Ciclos" Sacúdete el polvo mental y transforma tus hábitos para empezar el 2025 con el pie derecho

Miércoles, 20 de noviembre
19:00 – 21:00 GMT-5 (COL) Vía Zoom
Incluye Grabación* y WorkBook Descargable
INVERSIÓN: $30.000 COP / $7 USD


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Conócenos, Contáctanos y Avanza

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Programs and Courses

Choose your favorite and advance to the next level

Program of
PsicoTerapia Virtual

Ansiedad, depresión, problemas de pareja, con los hijos, familiares, traumas, problemas de autoestima y autoconfianza, duelo y afines.

Program of
LifeCoaching Virtual

Claridad en metas y decisiones, motivación, relaciones, organización, confianza, estrés, satisfacción personal y profesional y afines.

Program of
Mentoring Virtual

Desarrollo de marca personal y comercial, propuesta de valor, marketing digital, habilidades de comunicación y afines.


Tratamiento personalizado en adicciones: diagnóstico, desintoxicación, terapia individual y grupal, apoyo familiar, prevención de recaídas y afines.

"Resilient Latinos"

Acompañamiento integral, resiliencia, solución de conflictos y desarrollo personal, emocional, profesional y financiero, para latinos en otros países diferentes al suyo.

Como Reprogramar tu Mente tu Mismo

Sanar una Ruptura Amorosa

Hábitos Vivos

Psychological First Aid

Support Group
Free on Telegram

Comunidad de crecimiento personal en Telegram. Recibe consejos y herramientas practicas para gestionar mejor tu vida en general.

"Insight" Clinical Psychology Study Group

Grupo de estudio de Psicología Clínica para psicólogos que desean mantenerse actualizados sobre la psicología aplicada al mundo de hoy.

FREE MEMBERSHIP! Downloadable Resources

Lecciones prácticas para diferenciarte y prosperar.

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Real Testimonials

De usuarios que han pasado por un proceso de transformación

“What I liked most about the therapeutic process was the type of teachings and vision that I began to have. The professional who treated me showed me another path and other versions of things that until now have been very productive for me and have helped me a lot to value myself as a person and change my attitude. The professional who guided me is a very suitable person who is easy to talk to and generates trust, who listens to you and who can give you a different vision of situations.”


“I am an ordinary father of a family who had problems with my daughter. Thank God we had the opportunity to find some professionals who provided us with support that has allowed us to restore their mental, emotional and affective health. I sound a warning to those people who have a very introverted loved one. I invite you to get closer to them and, as far as possible, look for psychological tools in the professional field.”

[Family Guy]

“I am a parent and just as this therapeutic process was very helpful to me and my family, it can also be helpful to people who may be going through the same thing. Based on this, we begin to grow as people, knowing tools and reflections that we normally did not know because as parents we believe that we all know and that is a lie. It is something very genuine to express to a psychology professional that he teaches us how to recognize our mistakes and learn from them.”

[Family Guy]

“What I liked most about the therapeutic process is that the professional did not focus squarely on what I thought my problem was, but on life itself, on what it is to live and identify what my life is, how I lead it and the patterns and styles of thinking that led me to live the situations I went through and am currently going through. Thanks to the professional who guided me, I was able to see and identify and also overcome the obstacles I had that I didn't even know I had.”

Juan Esteban

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