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EQ Mentors

Comparte con esa persona que sabes que lo necesita!

The Growing Together Network is the social-community arm of EQ Mentores

How did the Growing Together Network start?

We all have something to give and we all have something we need to receive and to the extent we give and receive, we all Grow Together. Welcome!


Team of professionals, practitioners, volunteers and entities passionate about growing, serving and leading recreational, reflective and training activities of Social Impact and Family Restoration.


Provide training and comprehensive care to the community and public and private entities in prevention and promotion of mental health


Respect, Authenticity, Transformation, Social Responsibility

Official of the Itaguí Secretariat

"Our job is to promote the growth of people, families and social impact organizations"

Únete a alguno de los diferentes equipos diligenciando este formulario

Training Staff

Seminars, Discussions, Reflective workshops on the prevention of addictions, suicide, violence and others. Psychoeducation, development of life skills and guidelines for healthy coexistence.

Psychosocial Projects Team

Development of care, support and preventive monitoring projects for individuals, families and public and private entities.

Research in Art Therapy and Theotherapy

Research teams with focuses on Art Therapy and Teotherapy to study and apply artistic and psychospiritual elements that contribute to the emotional, moral and personal development of communities and families.


Development of awareness-raising and mobilization projects through Podcasts, Videopodcasts, academic articles, interviews with experts and publication of academic articles and social impact activities.

Insight is a Study Group in Applied Clinical Psychology where psychologists can go, deepen and stay updated on clinical psychology applied to today's world to develop your critical thinking, complex thinking and argumentative skills.

Today is the best day to join our Applied Clinical Psychology Study Group! Tomorrow it will be at a different price, so take advantage of today's facilities. Are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure? We will wait for you!

Join our “Insight” Clinical Psychology Study Group now!

Do you want to join as a person or entity?

Contact us!

Volunteer School

1. Purchase each module, 2. Attend the weekly socialization and 3. Receive your certificate* A large part of your contributions will be used to help non-profit foundations and vulnerable families.

Aleja Ordóñez

Send us your proof of Module #1 to validate your registration
(*)Conditions and Restrictions apply

Banner Escuela de Voluntariado Red Creciendo Juntos 1

#1 module

TOPIC 1 “Leaving this world better than we found it”, TOPIC 2 “Redefining Success”, TOPIC 3 “What is the Moral Imagination” and TOPIC 4 “Don't take anything personally”.

Contribution: $20,000 COP

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#2 module

TOPIC 1: “Destroyers of Barriers and Builders of Bridges”, TOPIC 2: “The Psychosocial Diagnosis”, TOPIC 3: “Unity, Freedom and Love” and TOPIC 4: “The Transformative Power of Empathy”.

Contribution: $20,000 COP

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#3 module

TEMA 1: “El Superpoder de la Resiliencia”, TEMA 2: “Aclarando La NoViolencia”, TEMA 3: “¿Proyectos Asistencialistas o Proyectos Productivos?” y TEMA 4: “El Despertar de la Consciencia”.

Contribution: $20,000 COP

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#4 module

TEMA 1: “Este Mundo Necesita Tu Proyecto”, TEMA 2: “Inteligencia Emocional Aplicada al Voluntariado”, TEMA 3: “Liderazgo desde el Corazón” y TEMA 4: “Maestros de la Comunicación Asertiva”.

Contribution: $20,000 COP

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#5 module

TOPIC 1: “Self-knowledge as a starting point”, TOPIC 2: “The Lies We Believe", TOPIC 2: "Guidelines for Knowing How to Make Decisions", TOPIC 3: "Yes There is a Future" and TOPIC 4: "Conflict Mediators”.

Contribution: $20,000 COP

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#6 module

TOPIC 1: “Contribute with Critical and Creative Thinking”, TOPIC 2: “Circumstantial or Ethically Reliable”, TOPIC 4: “Global Volunteers” and TOPIC 4: “From Consciousness to Action”.

Contribution: $20,000 COP


Do you have any questions about the Volunteer School?

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