What does the Study Group consist of?
in Clinical Psychology “Insight”?
Imagina un viaje donde no sólo adquieres conocimientos, sino que you sharpen your clinical gaze for hit the target and transform lives. Welcome to our Study Group in Applied Clinical Psychology at the Latin American level, a place where Collaborative learning It is just the beginning of an exciting adventure.
Have you ever wanted to learn directly from professionals with more than 10 and 20 years of experience in clinical psychology? In this group your wish comes true. In each session you will approach a new level of knowledge, awareness and understanding the depths of human nature.
Here the study goes beyond accumulating information. Every week we immerse ourselves in one dynamic and meaningful experience where we apply clinical psychology to the current context. This is not a simple, cold study group like many out there; This is a dynamic space where you will develop a critical and complex thinking beyond your current limits. Here each participant has the opportunity to embrace human complexity and hone their skills. argumentative skills.
Algunos Participantes...

Did you know that some of the most valued skills in today's work world are critical thinking and complex thinking?.
This group is your passport that will take you to discover new and interesting places of human consciousness to explore real cases from a variety of intervention models. Test your paradigms and embrace diversity of ideas. It is not just about learning, but about expand your inner gaze. By acquiring your membership you will experience, from the first sessions, the openness to new perspectives.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to explore your most human dimensions and develop the potential you carry within.
Today is the best day to join our Applied Clinical Psychology Study Group! Tomorrow it will be at a different price, so take advantage of today's facilities. Are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure? We will wait for you!
Join our “Insight” Clinical Psychology Study Group now!
Some topics you will see...

MODULE 1: Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology, MODULE 2: Psychological evaluation, MODULE 3: Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, MODULE 4: Ethics and Clinical Practice, MODULE 5: The Cognitive Behavioral Approach in Clinical Psychology, MODULE 6: The Psychodynamic Approach in Clinical Psychology, MODULE 7: The Humanistic Approach in Clinical Psychology, MODULE 8: Transpersonal Approach in clinical psychology, MODULE 9: Other Therapeutic Models, MODULE 10: Most Common Psychological Disorders, MODULE 11: Clinical Practice and Case Presentation, MODULE 12: Research in Clinical Psychology
Base Team

[Director General del Equipo
Psychologist from the University of San Buenaventura (2009) with studies in Practical Philosophy and certification in Coaching Organizacional. Ha trabajado como psicoterapeuta en programas de sensibilización y formación con la Secretaria de Hacienda, el Ministerio Nacional de Trabajo, Secretaria Inclusión Social, Familia y Derechos Humanos, Corporación Amor Inagotable, el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), Secretaria de Participación Ciudadana, entre otros.
Más de 13 años de experiencia en trabajo individual y grupal en Terapia Cognitiva, Terapia Gestalt, Logoterapia y Terapia Fenomenológica-Existencial.

[Moderadora del Grupo Insight
y Psicóloga del Equipo
EQ Mentores]
Psicóloga de la Universidad de Envigado (2015) especialista en Gerencia del Desarrollo Humano con certificación en Coaching Ontológico del Instituto de Capacitación Axon Training en Argentina (2020).
Experiencia en Gestión del Cambio y Desarrollo de Competencias del Ser y del Saber Hacer.
Sus áreas de trabajo son Estrés y Ansiedad, Sentido de Vida, Baja Autoestima, Superación de creencias limitantes, Miedos y Fobias, Realización Personal, etc.

A Continuous Training Adventure
Many psychologists isolate themselves to explore a lonely, boring, cold and bitter journey. Many graduates feel that they are dating many voids from the university and do nothing to fill them. Is that what you want for yourself? Probably not. Join one passionate community that values human warmth, friendship, respect and personal and professional growth.
Here, you will not only learn but also enrich yourself with the experiences and perspectives of others.
The adventure never ends in our continuing training group. Invest in yourself, earn stars, get free sessions and enjoy exciting surprises and rewards for your commitment and active participation.
They are NOT Classes
The order of each session is
inspired by
Methodology of
German Seminar
with constructive debates that provide the possibility of enhancing learning
and stimulate complex thinking,
achieving up to a 75% recall
of each topic
Reserve your spot today!
What are the Benefits I obtain by belonging to the Study Group?
Acceder a artículos-resumen con los temas y las ideas principales de cada sesión.

What are the Pillars of the Study Group?
First steps
- Diligence the Application Form.
- If you are approved by the Core Team, pay for the first discounted session of 50% or Insight or Premium Memberships to enter the 4-session Trial Period to test your participation and commitment.
- If you pass the 4-session Trial Period, we recommend paying for your Premium Membership to access additional downloadable resources and more sessions for less.
Are you interested?
To participate in each session, each participant must pass the Application Processn and then pay the value of your Quarterly Membership more him Value of Each Session or session package, in addition to passing the Trial period of commitment and participation.

I have some questions...
Yes I am interested but I need additional information
Frequent questions
Questions we are asked most by professionals who are passionate about their growth
Once a week, all Thursday at 7pm Colombia hour. If you are in a country other than Colombia, Click here to convert it to your time zone.
The value of the Membership is found below on this page and is paid quarterly only to participants who have their Insight Membership, since participants who have Premium Membership already have the membership value included.. This value increases 5% in April and October every year.
To each participant The same fee per session is maintained for one year without being affected by the semiannual increase of each new call that only applies to new members, making those who entered in previous calls feel special. The closing dates of calls with on January 30, April, July and October.
Of course not. You can leave whenever you want without additional payments. Because we are truly committed to the professional development of participants, we have implemented a yellow and red card system.
As we ensure the importance of permanence and consistency within any learning process, the instructor will eliminate from the Member Group and the Payment Group those who stop attending 3 consecutive sessions without any justification as evidence of their disinterest. In other words, After 3 yellow cards, the red card is given, having to wait until the next call to re-enter and losing the right to continue with the rate that they had been paying to continue paying the value of the current rate.
Elige abajo el plan que más te guste
Te recomendamos el Plan Pro para que pagues menos y disfrutes más...
Reserve your spot today
(Ene, Abr, Jul y Oct)
IMPORTANT: No pagues tu plan hasta que no seas aprobado
and pass your time of trial
Elige tu plan favorito
*Valores en dólares por convocatoria en varios países
Plan Explora
$15,000 COP
ó $4 USD
Acceso al 1er Seminario con 50% de descuento
Artículo-resumen de cada Seminario
Acceso al Campus Virtual EQ en Discord
❌ Biblioteca Digital con Recursos de Psicología, Coaching, Liderazgo y Neuroeducación
❌ Grabación de cada Seminario
Membresía trimestral de 10.000 COP o 2.5 USD
Plan Insight
$120.000 COP
ó $27 USD
Acceso a 4 Seminarios Quincenales
Artículo-resumen de cada Seminario
Acceso al Campus Virtual EQ en Discord
Biblioteca Digital con Recursos de Psicología, Coaching, Liderazgo y Neuroeducación
Grabación de cada Seminario
Membresía trimestral de 10.000 COP o 2.5 USD
Plan Pro
$192.000 COP
ó $43 USD
Acceso a 8 Seminarios Quincenales
Artículo-resumen de cada Seminario
Acceso al Campus Virtual EQ en Discord
Biblioteca Digital con Recursos de Psicología, Coaching, Liderazgo y Neuroeducación
Grabación de cada Seminario
Membresía trimestral de 10.000 COP o 2.5 USD
SUPPORTS #colpsic