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EQ Mentors

Comparte con esa persona que sabes que lo necesita!


EQ Mentores is a team of professionals and specialists in Mental Health and Personal Development. If what you are looking for is to solve your personal, family or work problems, achieve your goals and improve your quality of life, free yourself from addictions, define and structure your value proposition to give it greater scope and adapt and prosper in a context of great challenges then you have come to the right place.

We are also a global platform for personalized Psychology, Coaching and Mentoring programs in Virtual or Telephone mode and online Courses and Training for groups and institutions.

Our permanent support programs for users, students, parents, faculty, employees, entrepreneurs and leaders focus on the development of soft skills and work competencies.

Rubén Echavarría and Aleja Ordóñez


Aleja Ordóñez | Administrator of EQ Mentors and Educational Coach

EQ Mentores is a network of professionals in psychology, coaching, neuroeducation and personal leadership

We are a community trustworthy enough to protect your privacy, effective enough to demonstrate results in the short and medium term, and scalable enough to accompany the progress of millions of people and hundreds of institutions.

Mental health and personal development support programs online and at your fingertips.


EQ Mentores is a team of professionals and specialists in Mental Health and Personal Development.

EQ Mentores is also a global platform for personalized online Psychology, Coaching and Mentoring programs for people and institutions in Virtual or Telephone mode.

Our permanent support programs for users, students, parents, faculty, employees, entrepreneurs and leaders focus on the development of soft skills and work competencies.

Increase your emotional intelligence, improve your assertive communication and strategic thinking, not only to achieve the desired results but also to maintain them over time.

Our advice, consulting and training contain the strategies, tools, solutions and support necessary to explore the best alternatives, which will lead you to achieve the expected results to generate a positive impact in your immediate context.

Save yourself the hassle and take one of our guaranteed career counseling programs today. Ask about our limited-time discounts to receive more advice with less money.

Personal, family or work problems?

Professional team,
Global Platform and
Permanent Accompaniment

WHAT DO WE DO? Guidance, treatment and professional support in person, by telephone and virtually for individuals, families and organizations.

WHY DO WE DO IT? Because we feel the need to help people restore their emotional health, heal past wounds, have healthy finances, make better decisions, and find greater purpose in their lives.

HOW DO WE DO IT? Through a process of close, human, comprehensive, person-centered accompaniment and monitoring based on specific achievements.

"A motivated person may not be committed and a committed person may not be motivated. When we are motivated and committed we give our best."
Ruben Echavarria | Psychotherapist

How we work?

We are the place where the person who has the problem meets the expert who has the solution.

First we assess the current situation of the person or institution according to its main areas of development, then we analyze and find together the simplest and most powerful solutions with the greatest resource savings. We then make the necessary adjustments and implement the required improvements. Finally we carry out the appropriate follow-up to guarantee the expected results.

In addition, our affiliate clients receive gifts, invitations, bonuses, digital resources and facilities that accelerate their advancement and permanent improvement.



Did you know that success in our lives is 80% emotional intelligence and 20% intellectual intelligence?

Our team of mentors is equipped with tools from clinical psychology and personal coaching to help our users heal their past wounds, restore their emotional stability, better plan their short, medium and long-term goals, and give them new meaning. to their future and enhance their skills to achieve higher levels of personal, family, economic and professional satisfaction.

Our team of mentors is equipped with Mindset, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Digital Marketing tools, to help mental health and human development professionals and specialists scale their careers and businesses to the next level.

Our team of mentors is equipped with tools from the psychology of learning and educational coaching, to help students better plan their academic goals, acquire the secrets of outstanding students that are exclusive study methods to learn more in less time, raise their academic performance, accelerate their employment process and enhance their professional performance.

Our team of mentors is equipped with family psychotherapy tools to help parents identify their weaknesses and strengths at a personal and family level, build the pillars of successful families and acquire strategies that facilitate the resolution of problems such as depression, lack of communication, addictions and violence within the family.

Our team of mentors is equipped with tools from the psychology of learning and educational coaching, to help the teaching staff turn their students' weaknesses into strengths, putting themselves in the shoes of each student to accompany them from both their limits and their possibilities. and to intervene effectively in your group to turn each student into the best version of themselves, which will be directly reflected in healthier relationships and a better academic environment.

Our team of mentors is equipped with tools from organizational psychology and organizational coaching to help employees develop their communication skills, flexible thinking, personal empowerment, and efficiency and productivity strategies, which will have a direct effect on their job performance and organizational results.

“Today's professionals are emerging with good levels of hard skills, but with poor levels of soft skills, generating high work performance, but with frequent problems in their intra- and interpersonal relationships.”

Permanent Research

EQ Mentores interventions are based on new research, methods and guidelines defined by the scientific community and regulatory entities at an international level, mainly the American Psychological Association (APA) and International Coaching Federation (ICF), to transmit them easily to our clients. 

In addition, we combine new technologies with human development to provide trust, security, sustainability and effectiveness within strictly ethical and reliable standards.


[Route map]

The roadmap is a summary of each of the stages of development of EQ Mentores which has been projected over the next 6 eras.

01 Positioning [Ellis]

02 Alliances [Rogers]

03 Contracts [Withmore]

04 Adaptation [Satir]

05 Scope [Goleman]

06 Participation [Socrates]

EQ Mentors is one of the lines of action of the GROUP 7A GLOBAL SAS, an interdisciplinary team with a clinical, organizational and educational approach with allies in Colombia, Spain, Mexico and other countries, which provides comprehensive distance training and support programs (eLearning and bLearning) for people and institutions.

With the GROUP 7A GLOBAL SAS, we not only provide quality content, our objectives aim to generate dynamic learning experiences.

Our mission is to enhance leadership, soft skills and socio-emotional competencies that affect the academic and work performance of human talent.

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