A question that psychologists are frequently asked is How can I avoid anxiety? o How can I avoid developing an Anxiety Disorder? But to answer this question, it is necessary to know how we can define anxiety and some relevant aspects.
What is Anxiety and some Statistics
Anxiety is a common mental disorder that affects many people around the world. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), se estima que actualmente alrededor de 275 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety disorders. Thanks to the psychotherapy process, people can learn to identify the factors that trigger their anxiety and discover and develop strategies to control and reduce it.
Con respecto a su causa, no hay una sola, ya que cada persona es y responde de forma distinta. Factores como el entorno, experiencias previas y rasgos personales influyen de manera única en sus niveles de ansiedad.
⏩ It is estimated that around 3.6% of the world population suffer from anxiety disorders. In the United States, it is estimated that 31.1% of adults experience some type of anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.

We must know that Normal anxiety is a natural response of our body to a real threat. The problem comes when we experience this involuntary response without apparent danger. convirtiéndose en una ansiedad clínica o potencial Trastorno de Ansiedad. At this time it is urgent to seek professional help, since if not done, it can trigger an anxiety crisis or panic attack where it is necessary to medicate or hospitalize until balance is restored.
To reduce anxiety, it is important take preventive measures and seek treatment as soon as possible.

⏩ Some effective strategies to reduce anxiety may include conscious breathing, mindfulness, regular physical exercise, psychotherapy, progressive muscle relaxation and exposure therapy.
3 Técnicas Rápidas
1. Practica ejercicios de mindfulness o la respiración consciente: Toma respiraciones profundas, sostienes unos segundos y sueltas por la boca. De 15 a 20 minutos haciendo estas repeticiones puede calmar el sistema nervioso.
2. Ejercicio físico regular: Salir a caminar, trotar o hacer algún deporte, ayuda a liberar endorfinas y reduce los niveles generales de estrés.
3. Algunas personas les funciona introducir las manos en agua con hielo: Esto hace que su cerebro se concentre en otros estímulos y vaya liberando tensiones gradualmente.
It is also important to maintain healthy habits, such as a balanced diet, good sleep hygiene, and avoiding substance use that can increase anxiety, such as caffeine, alcohol, and certain psychoactives.
Claudia Overcame her Anxiety Disorder
Claudia, a 44-year-old woman, had been suffering from anxiety attacks for 8 months. Every time she felt stressed or overwhelmed, her body I began to shake, sweat, and had difficulty breathing.. Estos ataques se volvieron cada vez más frecuentes y comenzaron a afectar su vida diaria, lo cual hacía que evitara las situaciones que posiblemente desencadenaban estos ataques.
Claudia decided to seek professional help and began cognitive-behavioral therapy with a psychotherapist specialized in anxiety disorders. During therapy, Claudia learned to identify catastrophic thinking patterns that were fueling his anxiety attacks. He also learned relaxation and breathing techniques to help reduce tension and anxiety and began to increase your emotional intelligence levels.

Over time, Claudia began to feel more in control of his emotions and experienced a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity de sus ataques de ansiedad. También aprendió a enfrentar sus miedos y evitar situaciones que podrían desencadenar sus ataques.
Finalmente, Claudia logró retomar su vida diaria con mayor confianza y segura de sí misma gracias a la terapia. La psicoterapia le brindó la guía y las herramientas necesarias para superar sus ataques anxiety and recover your emotional and mental well-being.
An Effective Exercise to Reduce Your Anxiety Levels
An effective exercise to reduce anxiety is the diaphragmatic breathing technique, also known as abdominal breathing. This breathing technique helps reduce stress and anxiety levels by slowing breathing and improving the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

Here is an example of how to perform this exercise that I call “The 3 7s”:
1. Siéntate en una silla con la espalda recta y los pies en el suelo o acuéstate en una posición cómoda.
2. Coloca tu mano sobre tu pecho y la otra sobre tu abdomen, justo por encima de tu ombligo.
Respira lenta y profundamente por tu nariz. Siente cómo tu abdomen se expande poco a poco, mientras tratas de no mover tu pecho ni alzar tus hombros.
3. Aguanta la respiración durante 7 tiempos.

4. Ahora exhala lentamente por tu boca mientras contraes suavemente tus músculos abdominales, sintiendo cómo tu abdomen se desinfla lentamente en 7 tiempos.
5. Repite este proceso 7 veces, tratando de concentrarte en la sensación de la respiración mientras inhalas y exhalas conscientemente.
6. Puedes realizar este ejercicio varias veces al día, yo te recomiendo hacerlo en la mañana, a mediodía y antes de dormir, especialmente cuando sientas que los niveles de ansiedad están aumentando. Es importante ser constante y practicar la técnica de respiración diafragmática de forma regular para obtener unos mejores resultados.
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In summary
Anxiety is a common mental disorder that affects millions of people around the world. To reduce anxiety levels, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible and take preventive measures such as mindfulness, regular physical exercise, and psychotherapy.
Additionally, if you want to reduce your anxiety levels, you need to maintain healthy habits such as a balanced diet, good sleep hygiene, and avoid the consumption of substances that can increase anxiety symptoms.
I hope you have a great day!
Creation and Writing: Ruben Echavarria
Review and SEO: Aleja Ordóñez
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