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🚀 3 Herramientas Digitales de la Asesoría Online (y cómo usarlas)

En el acelerado mundo digital de hoy en día, la asesoría online se ha vuelto fundamental para profesionales de diversas áreas. Si lees este artículo completo podrás descubrir 3 Herramientas Digitales de la Asesoría Online poderosas que están cambiando la forma en que se realizan estas asesorías y consultas, ofreciendo un enfoque innovador y mucho […]

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🧠🌟 Cognitive Neuroscience and other Trends in Psychology 2024! 🌐

La psicología es como un ser vivo que está en constante cambio y evolución. Podríamos decir que la psicología tiene un alto nivel de resiliencia porque se adapta con facilidad a los desafíos de la sociedad actual. Una tendencia cada vez más marcada es la Neurociencia Cognitiva. En este artículo definiremos la Neurociencia Cognitiva y

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🧠🌟 Cognitive Neuroscience and other Trends in Psychology 2024! 🌐 Read More »

6 Tips to Improve your Relationships

One of the frequent reasons for consultation in Psychotherapy is How can I improve my relationships?, which can have a significant impact on our emotional and mental well-being. For many people in the world, they can be a source of permanent stress and conflict. ⏩ Psychotherapy is a learning space where each user

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How to Avoid an Anxiety Disorder?

A question that psychologists are frequently asked is: How can I avoid anxiety? o How can I avoid developing an Anxiety Disorder? But to answer this question, it is necessary to know how we can define anxiety and some relevant aspects. What is Anxiety and some Statistics Anxiety is a common mental disorder that affects

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7 Practical Tips from Carl Rogers to improve your skills as a psychologist, coach, leader or trainer

Si lees este artículo hasta el final conocerás 7 consejos prácticos de Carl Rogers, con algunos ejemplos. Estos te ayudarán a mejorar tus habilidades como psicólogo, coach, líder y formador. Al final tendrás más claridad y herramientas para ayudar a tus pacientes y estudiantes a desarrollar una mayor autoconciencia y autoaceptación, así como a fomentar

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7 Practical Tips from Albert Ellis to improve your skills as a psychologist, coach, leader or trainer

If you read this article until the end you will know 7 practical tips from Albert Ellis, with some examples to improve your skills as a psychologist, coach, leader and trainer. In the end you will have more clarity and tools to help your patients and students change their negative thought patterns based on the principles of

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🎯​ The Experience

Have you ever heard the phrase: “experience is not improvised”? What do you think it means? We are going to review this context in a broad and deep way so that you can begin to use it to your advantage. Without being aware of it sometimes, on the journey of our lives we have been going through different experiences, some pleasant and others

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🔥 Perseverance

What is Perseverance? We usually define a persevering person as someone with high levels of dedication and patience, who is willing to fight tirelessly for one or more goals. ⚠️ Apparently it is something that seems noble and respectable. But it is a concept that, if you do not take several factors into account, can make

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