For several decades we have been talking more frequently about the Multiple Intelligences and especially Emotional Intelligence. Get ready, because in this article you will discover a different approach to this topic that is on everyone's lips.
Previously, too much importance was given to Intellectual Intelligence (IQ), but the latest research in neuroscience and studies on the success and happiness of human beings have yielded a great conclusion: “Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the most influential factor in success, not only financial, but also personal, family, work and spiritual”.
✅ Emotional intelligence applied to your life
When we talk about Emotional Intelligence we refer to set of skills that a person acquires by birth or learns through training and life experiences, where self-knowledge, empathy, self-motivation, self-control, initiative and effective management of emotions stand out.
EQ means Emotional Quotient and this is why in EQ Mentors We specialize in helping our users, whether they are people, institutions or companies, in increase your level of consciousness and develop your social-emotional skills to have better management of your thoughts and emotions. We focus on their inner game with the aim of achieving clarity that allows them to make better decisions and thus undertake the necessary actions to positively influence their lives and those of the people around them, such as friends, family, colleagues. study or work, students or work team.
Having or implementing emotional intelligence is not about repressing our emotions, but about knowing how to manage them and channel them in an adaptive and productive way in favor of the individual and society.
That is, it is related to the ability to convert our primitive reactions into intelligent responses that generate better results for everyone.
✅ Emotional Intelligence is like a muscle
Emotional Intelligence is like a muscle that we can all voluntarily train to have more mental and emotional health and more lasting, fruitful and satisfying interpersonal relationships.
Emotional intelligence begins when you become aware of your mental and emotional state and the characteristics of the environment around you. We can react with sadness and aggression from our Animal Self or we can respond intelligently from our Human Self.. Which one do you think is more convenient? Only you decide! But it is very important that you understand that the decision you make will lead you to a specific situation.
If you decide to react from your base instincts, this will lead you to frequent conflicts with the people around you and a life of inner bitterness. But if you decide to live with your consciousness in the present For example, you can train with Mindfulness exercises to find and maintain your center.. Just like going to the gym, training your emotional intelligence means force yourself to respond from your Human Self, only then will you experience great doses of happiness in your life. In the following complementary video you will be able to understand it in a much more graphic way, so watch it, remember to send us your comments and questions to give you feedback.
How can we recognize a person with high levels of Emotional Intelligence?
Although there are many characteristics and studies continue to yield new conclusions every day, Here I list the 5 most obvious and relevant categories.

⏩ Characteristics that people with a high degree of Emotional Intelligence have
1. Comprehensive balance
They are always trying to establish a balance between their thoughts, emotions and actions. They responsibly assume what they say and do, trying to be careful not to affect their integrity, but also the integrity of others. They don't waste their time on toxic relationships and conversations. They maintain a special peace of mind because they know that there are things that do not depend on them and others that do, they focus only on those that depend on them and stop worrying uselessly about those that they cannot or do not have to solve.
2. Attentive to others
They are people who pay special attention to their emotions and those of others. Normally we see them listening and analyzing their perceptions and the way others feel. They like to meet people daily and learn from everyone's experience. They always try to be empathetic with their peers, they do not criticize them, judge them, or condemn them, but rather they support them, lift them up and encourage them, because they understand that we all, without exception, have weaknesses and strengths, and that mainly, we all find ourselves in a permanent learning process, so error and failure are usually excellent teachers to achieve success.
⭐ 3. Zero egocentrics
They don't take anything personally. They know that they are not the center of the universe and that not everything revolves around them. When a person or situation around them changes, they remain calm because they understand that everything that happens has a purpose beyond their selfish interests and needs.
4. Flexible thinking
They have critical thinking mainly with themselves. They know that they are not right about everything, they know that they are imperfect and that they are simply eternal disciples on a path of eternal learning. Although they have strong convictions that they have discovered from their own experiences, they constantly have flexible thinking to question their own beliefs and values, and have little resistance to broadening their perspectives, as long as this contributes to their learning and growth. comprehensive.
5. Open and free
They are not repressed due to family or social conditioning. We see them expressing themselves as they are, they are usually very open, authentic and sincere, since they express their feelings clearly and freely, but at the same time, also in a responsible manner.
What does this concept make you think about? According to the previous characteristics and on a scale of 1 to 10, what degree of emotional intelligence do you think you have? Describe how you envision your life if you already had all of these characteristics. What thoughts, relationships and content that you frequently consume are slowing down the development of your Emotional Intelligence? What are you doing every day to increase your level of emotional intelligence?
And to finish for today...
Today life is giving you a new opportunity to increase your levels of clarity, emotional intelligence and empowerment. Take advantage of each day to work even harder on your own inner game and thus increase the chances of winning your outer game.
I hope you have a great day!
Creation and Writing: Ruben Echavarria
Review and SEO: Aleja Ordóñez
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preguntas 1¿En qué te hace reflexionar este concepto? inteligencia emocional
El concepto de inteligencia emocional me hace reflexionar sobre lo importante que es entender y gestionar mis emociones para vivir de manera más equilibrada. Me doy cuenta de que no se trata solo de lo que siento, sino de cómo uso esas emociones para tomar mejores decisiones, conectarme con los demás y enfrentar los desafíos. Saber identificar lo que siento, regular mis reacciones y ser empática con los demás me permite crecer tanto personal como profesionalmente, y eso me impulsa a ser una mejor versión de mí misma.
2.De acuerdo a las características anteriores y en una escala de 1 a 10, ¿Qué grado de Inteligencia emocional crees que tienes? Si me baso en las características mencionadas, diría que en una escala de 1 a 10, me situaría alrededor de un 7 u 8 en cuanto a inteligencia emocional. Me esfuerzo por mantener el equilibrio entre mis emociones, pensamientos y acciones, trato de ser empática y no dejar que las cosas que no puedo controlar me afecten. Aún estoy trabajando en algunas áreas, como mantener siempre un pensamiento flexible y no tomar las cosas de manera personal, pero siento que cada día voy aprendiendo y mejorando en ese aspecto.
3.Describe cómo visualizas tu vida si ya tuvieras todas estas características. me visualizo viviendo una vida mucho más equilibrada y en paz. Me vería gestionando mis emociones con sabiduría, sin dejar que las cosas externas me afecten, enfocándome solo en lo que puedo controlar. Sería una persona empática, siempre dispuesta a escuchar y apoyar a los demás sin juzgar, y construiría relaciones más profundas y significativas. Tendría una mentalidad abierta y flexible, aprendiendo constantemente y evolucionando. Me expresaría con autenticidad, sin miedo al qué dirán, siendo fiel a mí misma en todo momento. En resumen, me sentiría más plena y en armonía, conectada conmigo misma y con los demás.
4.¿Qué pensamientos, relaciones y contenidos que consumes con frecuencia están frenando el desarrollo de tu Inteligencia Emocional?
Me he dado cuenta de que algunos pensamientos negativos que tengo, como dudar de mis capacidades o preocuparme demasiado por cosas fuera de mi control, están frenando el desarrollo de mi inteligencia emocional. También noto que algunas relaciones tóxicas, donde hay más crítica que apoyo, me afectan emocionalmente y me desvían de mi equilibrio. En cuanto a los contenidos que consumo, a veces paso demasiado tiempo viendo o leyendo cosas que no me aportan nada positivo, como noticias alarmantes o redes sociales que me generan comparaciones innecesarias. Sé que si me enfoco en cambiar estos aspectos, podré mejorar mi bienestar emocional y mi crecimiento personal.
5.¿Qué estás haciendo cada día para incrementar tu nivel de inteligencia emocional?
Cada día trato de ser más consciente de mis emociones y cómo afectan mis decisiones. Me esfuerzo por detenerme antes de reaccionar impulsivamente, respirando y analizando la situación con calma. También practico la empatía, escuchando activamente a los demás sin juzgar, y trato de aprender de cada experiencia. Estoy trabajando en rodearme de personas que me apoyen y me inspiren, y consumo contenidos que me ayuden a crecer. Además, me enfoco en identificar qué cosas no puedo controlar para dejar de preocuparme por ellas, centrándome solo en lo que está en mis manos cambiar.
La inteligencia emocional me hace reflexionar sobre la importancia de reconocer, entender y gestionar mis emociones, y cómo esto impacta en mis relaciones y bienestar. Me evaluaría en un 7, ya que aunque me esfuerzo, todavía tengo áreas por mejorar. Si lograra todas estas características, me visualizaría siendo más estable, manteniendo relaciones sanas y enfrentando mejor los desafíos. Mis pensamientos de autoexigencia y contenidos que alimentan el estrés frenan este desarrollo. Cada día trato de incrementar mi inteligencia emocional siendo más consciente de mis emociones, buscando equilibrio y practicando la empatía con quienes me rodean