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EQ Mentors

🎯​ The Focus


Focus is a success principle, in fact, it is one of the most important. Has it happened to you or have you seen others start something and Over time you become entertained with other activities that make you neglect the first one you started?

Or maybe deep down you know that when we try to run many functions one or none of them actually return the results we expect. Don't worry, Today we will talk about focus and how to maintain it.

The focus of your potential

When we see interviews of people who have achieved comprehensive success in their lives on an economic, family, social and spiritual level, we realize that it is not just about working hard at a single activity. In everyday life we see that many people are sacrificing more than necessary every day and are not achieving the results they expect. What we notice is that It's about gathering your efforts and distributing them in a balanced and focused manner..

Many people go through life wasting their potential in activities that do not contribute to their growth. All We have a limited level of energy each day and you only have two options, either you make the most of it or you waste it uselessly.

🎯​ Each of these options will lead you to a different result, the first option (making the most of it) will lead you to experience large doses of personal satisfaction because you are advancing on the path of your personal growth. And the second (waste it uselessly) It will lead you to experience dissatisfaction, discouragement, physical and mental laziness, dragging you down the path of frustration and clinical depression..

✅ Focus means setting priorities

If you understand that your mission in this life is to achieve success in your area of performance, you also need to know that often achieving what you have proposed also means establishing priorities and identifying which are the specific and smaller goals that will lead you to goals. greater. I am here to tell you that it is necessary to prepare mentally and emotionally, calculating well each challenge that will lead you to achieve that goal that you long for., in order to reduce risks and transform each failure into new learning and levels of progress.

Focusing means voluntarily forcing ourselves to put aside all stimuli, activities and functions that are not related to our objectives, or at least temporarily. 

This does not mean that we should only focus on one thing and stop enjoying all those wonderful things that life offers us such as traveling, eating well, playing, reading and talking to learn from others. 🎯

It means that we can make the decision to invest most of our time and effort in work strategically on specific goals, without forgetting to give ourselves the space to recharge our emotional tank, sharing quality time with our partner and family, connecting with your spiritual area and enjoying nature.

Are you like the sun or like the laser beam?

How is your focus? If you are ascending every day? Are you like the sun that spreads its rays towards everything in its path or are you like a laser beam that focuses all its power on the same point until it passes through it?


Are you like the rain that spreads throughout the territory or are you like that constant drip that ends up breaking the strong rock in two?

Below I recommend a complementary video that will help you train the muscle of your focus, I hope you see it and leave us your comment about it, so that you progressively increase your concentration daily. He sport and arts for example take music classes, are excellent alternatives to increase your levels of concentration, memory and attention. We know you can try. Remember to send us your comments and questions to give you feedback.

And to finish for today...

Today life is putting a new opportunity in your hands to See more clearly, increase your focus and achieve your own empowerment.. Here at the global team EQ Mentors, we will help you discover ideas, strategies and possibilities that you have never considered before. Your role is to take advantage of each day to continue working on your inner game and, consequently, increase the chances of winning your outer game.

I hope you have a great day!

Creation and Writing: Ruben Echavarria
Review and SEO: Aleja Ordóñez

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