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EQ Mentors

👉​ The Conviction


Conviction is equivalent to your degree of conviction or faith about something. It is made up of your system of beliefs and values, and depending on your level of conviction, in the same way you will have your level of passion to achieve a goal.

Perhaps you have the desire to advance, grow or improve in one or more areas of your life, but perhaps you do not have the degree of conviction necessary to achieve the desired results. The first thing you need to do to increase your level of conviction is to review the state of your mind.

Your mind is your control tower

How your mind is found, your emotions will be found and your life will be found. your conviction leads you to assume true knowledge or experience about an area of performance. This means that, if your conviction is strong, then you will advance in your life in general and in each of the projects you undertake with a higher level of empowerment. And finally this will bring you closer every day to obtaining extraordinary results.

⚠️ If you allow me, I am going to ask you four questions so that you can identify if your mental ecosystem is in an optimal state. to move fluidly towards success and receive the blessings you long for in your heart. Or on the contrary, perhaps it is in an unfavorable state that is impeding your progress. Shall we look?

1. Are you completely clear about the objective you are striving to work towards every day?

2. Do you believe that you have or can develop the capabilities and skills that will help you become the best version of yourself and generate a positive impact in your area of performance, or on the contrary do you believe that you are not capable of positively influencing your life and in that of others?

3. Do you believe that the Universe is created to work in your favor and based on your growth or, on the contrary, do you believe that everyone and everything around you revolves with the aim of hindering your progress?


4. Do you believe that you deserve to grow exponentially and achieve important things in your life, or on the contrary do you believe that because of your mistakes you do not deserve to receive the gifts that life has for you?

As you can notice, Each of these questions leads you to review your level of conviction. and perhaps at this point you have managed to identify one or several dimensions that could be delaying your progress on a personal, academic, professional or entrepreneurial level.

Find your center and increase your level of conviction

Having a firm conviction means reviewing what things your center is stealing from you. If you want to understand what's going on and find or recover your center today, then Watch this video to expand your level of awareness about this topic.. Remember to send us your comments and questions to give you feedback.

✅ Conviction is like a muscle

Conviction is like a muscle that we need to strengthen every day. If you have the firm conviction that you are going to achieve what you want, then you will act with determination until you achieve it. Many students or entrepreneurs often lose their faith when faced with the first obstacles., losing sight of their focus and therefore, their objective.

Your state of conviction is reflected in your attitude. This means that, if you are a parent, student or businessman and you are communicating with your children, your colleagues or your clients with hopelessness and discouragement That is what you are going to infect them with and sooner or later they will look for other people with a different attitude., which conveys the opposite and gives them more hope and enthusiasm. 👉​

And to finish for today...

Today life is giving you a new opportunity to obtain clarity, conviction and empowerment. Whom EQ Mentors, we work with our users, whether they are individuals or companies, to help them take advantage of each day, and thus advance their inner game to increase the chances of winning their outer game.

I hope you have a great day!

Creation and Writing: Ruben Echavarria
Review and SEO: Aleja Ordóñez

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