What is Perseverance? We usually define a perseverant person as someone with high levels of dedication and patience, who is willing to fight tirelessly for one or more goals.
⚠️ Apparently it is something that seems noble and respectable. But it is a concept that, If you don't take several factors into account, it can do a lot of damage., both to you and the people you love.
As we can see in the definition above, only the words “delivery”, “patience”, “fight”, “tirelessly” and “goals” are emphasized. But generally, we don't ask ourselves the following questions:
Are there delivery levels? How can we differentiate between the appropriate level of surrender versus the level of surrender that affects my physical and mental health or the quality of relationships with the people I love and who love me? Is total surrender promoted by certain coercive movements that deteriorate human beings, turning them into employees or slaves of a system that absorbs and destroys their lives?
✅ Perseverance and patience need each other
By patience do you mean simply having a goal in mind and wait for it to come true on its own, or how can we understand patience in the context of perseverance?
Are there levels of tireless struggle?
How can we differentiate between the “tireless fight” that takes into account my physical and mental health and the health of the people I love and who love me, with the “tireless fight” that turns me into a machine that has no right to rest anymore? leisure, recreation and recreation spaces?
⚠️ There are people who read one, several, hundreds and even thousands of motivational books and ran like “Crazy Car” to devour the world, supposedly. At least that's what they believed. And the consequence of this is that they waste large amounts of time, money and effort trying to carry out their vision through one or several projects.
Most of the time these called “Crazy Cars”, They do not have an adequate mentality, internalized success values, sometimes not even with a well-defined value proposition and, above all, one that is highly relevant to generate an impact on society.
These types of people do not understand the importance of receiving constant support and feedback.
✅ What is NOT perseverance?
Perseverance does not mean that we should practically “kill ourselves” for something or someone. Perseverance is not stupidity, stubbornness, much less intransigence. As tragic as it may seem, it is also not trying to cross to the other side of the wall by hitting it with our heads until we bleed, when perhaps we do not know that we have a door next to it.
It seems funny, but unfortunately it is the reality of many people who today are literally killing themselves little by little, trying to follow an obsolete process that goes nowhere, but that, if they sought help and opened their eyes a little, they could see that there are other paths and strategies that can really leverage their progress.
Perseverance requires preliminary strategic thinking. This means that an architect does not come with cement and bricks to build a house through perseverance and effort.
No matter how much perseverance you have and how much effort you put into it, if you did not make the necessary calculations, study the conditions of the terrain, or consider the possible risks, sooner or later all the material you piled up will collapse, along with all your efforts. and illusions, leaving him with great frustration.
✅ Just persevere with a reasonable plan of action
In other words, the most reasonable thing is for a good architect to dedicate a lot of time, money and effort to planning the work well, studying the conditions of the terrain, calculating the possible risks and structuring each of the phases of his construction plan. action.
By having a small-scale model, this architect will then be able to invest in the necessary resources to make the work a success; worthy of admiration and negotiation for millions of dollars.

🔹 Do you think this previous case is different from your life project or your entrepreneurship? Of course not. Everything in this universe has a structure and has a content, and this is a law that no one can break, but if they still try, as in the case of the house that did not have prior planning, they will suffer the consequences.
And what about you? Are you living your life for the sake of living it or are you already clear about what you want in 3, 5 and 10 years? Do you think that your studies will guarantee you an excellent job with the salary you aspire to?
🔹 Do you think that by having an undergraduate, master's and doctorate, you are already successful in your area of performance? Think twice because Knowledge and certifications alone will get you nowhere, if you do not have the level of conviction and enterprise to move forward.
Do you know what you need to become a benchmark in your work niche? What is the value proposition of your venture? Have you already structured your business model and validated it to achieve a minimum viable product?
🔥 The direct brother of perseverance is self-discipline.
Maybe deep down you know that you need to take some actions that you have been putting off for a few days, weeks or even years. If you like Make the most of the power of your willpower to catapult you to your goals, watch this complementary video that I leave you below. Remember to send us your comments and questions to give you feedback.
⏩ To achieve success, do you prefer to take the stairs or the elevator?
If your answer is the elevator, then let me reveal to you that one of the shortcuts that accelerate your climb towards your personal, professional and business success. It consists of having a mentor to guide you and show you each phase of the process, because otherwise you will get lost along the way and you will have to go around a lot to try to get to the point you want, or worse yet, you may never get there. Whom EQ Mentors We have psychologists, coaches and close mentors who will help you identify your blind spots and enhance your internal resources to stand out on a personal, academic, professional and business level.
✅ Advantages of having a mentor
If you do a little research you will discover that the most successful men and women in history always had one or more mentors, and this is justified for several reasons, let's look at 3 of the most obvious:
1. We all need a person who have gone through similar processes or experiences those we are traveling through, because simply this will prevent us from making certain mistakes and let's focus on what is really important.
2. We all need a second perspective, a global vision that observes us from the outside of the glass of water where perhaps we are drowning and shows us that we have the life preserver next to us. Furthermore, because we are so stubborn, obstinate, worried or obsessed in our way of doing things, we close ourselves off to other possibilities that can facilitate and accelerate the achievement of our objectives.
3. This mentor helps us review what we are doing wrong to rethink it, make the necessary adjustments or take a different path or strategy that saves us money, time and energy. And it also shows us everything we are doing well to strengthen it and continue doing it to obtain better and greater results.
And to finish for today...
Today life gives you a new opportunity to increase your levels of clarity, perseverance and empowerment. Take advantage of each of your days to work on your inner game and thus increase the chances of winning your outer game.
I hope you have a great day!
Creation and Writing: Ruben Echavarria
Review and SEO: Aleja Ordóñez
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Para fortalecer mi perseverancia, me enfoco en establecer metas claras y dividirlas en pasos pequeños. Cada día trato de hacer al menos una acción que me acerque a mis objetivos, por pequeña que sea. Cuando surgen obstáculos, recuerdo por qué empecé y trato de aprender de cada reto aunque me frustran algunos resultados y creo que no voy a poder. trato de Mantener una actitud positiva, me rodeo de personas que me inspiran y celebro los avances, aunque sean mínimos.